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Uncommon Leadership Interview Series

Ever feel like you are just one more cog in a machine? Ever had a manager treat you as though you were completely interchangeable with someone else on your team? Ever been stuck doing something you absolutely hated while others complained about doing something you would have loved to do?

We’re not just cogs, nor are we plug-and-play replacements for anyone else. We each have unique talents. The teams I’ve most enjoyed working with, and the teams who best accomplished their goals, have always been teams who customized their approach to take full advantage of those unique gifts.

The Uncommon Leadership interview series will inspire you through the stories of those who have made the shift from struggling to thriving as leaders, individually and in a team environment.

Find the video and transcript for every episode just below. To receive an email every time I publish a new episode, sign up for my newsletter using the form at the top of this page. Or subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today, I'm talking with Michael Bolton.Michael is a consulting software tester and testing teacher who helps people to solve testing problems ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter, with Uncommon Teams.Today, I'm talking with Brad Voorhees.Brad is the cornerstone of ScaleTx, bringing a wealth of experience with over 15 years in ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Chandler Cutler.Chandler embarked on his entrepreneurial journey at just twenty-one. In the two decades since, he has ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I’m Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I’m talking with Jay Floyd.Jay is a data engineering leader, life coach, and podcaster. He is also the curator of ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Colleen Johnson.Colleen has been working in the technology space for over twenty years, with half of that ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter, with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Gerardo Segat.Gerardo is an international leadership coach whose purpose and legacy is to humanize leadership. Following a ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Nevin Danielson.With decades of experience as a facilitator, coach, and trainer, Nevin helps leaders and their teams ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.Pawel BrodzinskiHello, thanks for having me.MichaelI'm happy to have you here today.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Pawel Brodzinski.Pawel is a seasoned leader, ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello.Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Jardena London.Jardena is an author, speaker, community leader, and business transformation consultant who helps businesses thrive by ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Dave Rodabaugh.Dave has 23 years of experience making analytical data products by turning THIS data into THAT ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Zach Bonaker.Zach proudly describes himself as a benevolent troublemaker, by which he means a catalyst for positive ...

Michael Hunter

Michael HunterHello!Welcome to Uncommon Leadership.I'm Michael Hunter with Uncommon Teams.Today I'm talking with Kimberly Lowe-Williams.Kimberly is a Black female director of infrastructure in site reliability, with over ten years of ...

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