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John, a coach for software executives, was talking with Mary, his coach.

“I keep reminding my clients to pay attention to their heart and body as well as their mind,” John said. “I keep feeling I should include intuition as well. But, I don’t really know what intuition is, let alone how to teach my clients how to use it,” he finished up dejectedly.

“So, you have a feeling you need to be including intuition?” Mary asked.

“That’s right,” John replied.

“Well, that’s your intuition talking,” Mary explained smilingly.

“Really?” John asked.

“Really,” Mary replied.

Finding your intuition

“Your intuition is your inner guidance,” Mary explained. “Some people call this your little-s-spirit, or conscience.”

“I think I understand,” John said. “This is my inner knowing, beyond what my mind, heart, and body have to say.”

“That’s right,” Mary replied.

“So, a fourth member of my steering committee?” John asked with a laugh.

“Yes,” Mary answered with a laugh of her own.

“OK, now I know what my intuition is,” John continued. “How do I differentiate my intuition from what mind, heart, and body?”

“How do you experience your mind, heart, and body?” Mary asked.

“I hear them, mostly,” John replied. “Every so often, I get an image as well.”

“How do you distinguish between each of them?” Mary asked.

“The same way I tell the difference between you, my boss, and my team. You each have a different way of talking. Different tones, different word choices, different rhythms.”

Mary nodded her head. “Your intuition is the same: its tone, word choices, and rhythm will also be unique.”

“How do I know it’s my intuition talking?” John asked worriedly. “I don’t want to be led astray by some other source. Or even just mistake Big-S-Spirit for my little-s-spirit,” John worried.

“How did you gain confidence distinguishing your mind, heart, and body?” Mary asked.

“You gave me a lot of tiny experiments to practice making the distinction,” John replied, remembering. “And, you had me put my hands on my mind, heart, and body to help me focus on the one I was speaking with.”

“That’s what we’ll do here, too,” Mary replied. 

“How do I put my hands on my spirit?” John queried.

“We’ll use the middle of your forehead,” Mary answered.

“My ‘third eye’?” John asked skeptically.

“Some people call it that,” Mary responded. “I find that location works well, whatever name you use.”

“OK,” John said, a bit doubtfully. “I thought talking to my mind, heart, and body was pretty weird. That has sure worked, however. So, I’m willing to give this a try.”

“Great,” Mary replied with a grin.

Connecting with your intuition

“So, how do I get started?” John inquired.

“I have a tiny experiment for you to start with,” Mary replied. “And, then, a couple of questions to follow up with.”

“OK,” John said, pulling out his phone to take notes.

“What do you do where you can wander around?” Mary asked.

“Well, I go for a walk after lunch most days,” John replied. “I can wander around on those. And, I usually wander through Netflix once or twice a week.”

“Those are both perfect,” Mary affirmed. “When you’re out walking, ask your intuition which direction to take whenever you have a choice. Same thing with your Netflix browsing: ask your intuition which show recommendation or actor link to click on next.”

“How do I know I’m getting the right answer?” John fretted.

“Well, partly, it doesn’t matter,” Mary answered. “Simply making the attempt will increase your ability. However, we do need some way to validate the answers you get. How often are you surprised or delighted by something on your walks and browses?”

“Hardly ever,” John replied.

“Most people who’ve tried this find they start feeling surprised and delighted more and more,” Mary replied.

“Cool beans,” John said. “So, that’s the tiny experiment. You said you had some questions for me to ask, too?”

Talking with your intuition

“I do,” Mary agreed. “Start with the seven steps we used to engage your mind, heart, and body.”

“Settle, then place my hands on the middle of my forehead and say, Hello. Listen. Then, ask, What do you want me to know? and acknowledge what I receive. Finish up by saying, Thank you, and then withdrawing,” John recounted.

“That’s right,” Mary confirmed. “I’m impressed you remember that so well,” she added.

“I do that several times a week,” John said. “I find it useful for starting and then finishing conversations with my parts.”

“I’m glad you’re finding it useful,” Mary said with a grin.

“Here’s one more question to add to the process,” she continued. “After you ask What do you want me to know? ask What have I missed today?” 

What have I missed today?” John double-checked. “Wouldn’t that come under the heading of What do you want me to know?

“Not necessarily. Sometimes, something else is more important. Also, you may have missed only small things. And, this demonstrates your intent to learn from your oversights.”

“Coolio,” John said. “So, to recap, ask my intuition which directions to take as I wander. Then, talk with my intuition using the seven steps. Finally, add What have I missed? into those steps.”

“That’s exactly right,” Mary confirmed.

Helping your intuition guide you

“You solved both of my problems,” John declared. “Now I understand what intuition is, plus I have a few experiments to help me listen to my intuition. I’m excited to see where my intuition takes me,” he said, grinning.

“I’m glad I could help,” Mary smiled back.

“May I please use these experiments with my clients?” John asked. “I’ll give you attribution, of course.”

“Absolutely,” Mary beamed.

“Thank you so much,” John exclaimed as he got ready to leave.

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